Stream from any venue, church or outdoor location


We can stream from just about anywhere!

Our streaming crews are ‘fully self-contained’, with:

  • Battery powered cameras, microphones and streaming equipment

  • Our own microphones for sound

  • Our own mobile multiple internet connections

Good internet connectivity is critical, so we are generally using three internet connections at the same time - Telstra, Optus and Vodafone. We have special streaming equipment and cloud-servers that ‘bonds’ the mobile data signals from all three networks into one stream.

This gives us two critical advantages:

  1. If one of the networks suffers a drop-out the stream does not ‘break’ - the other networks pick up the load.

  2. The bonded signal usually gives us enough bandwidth to stream where a single network might not.

We frequently work indoors and outside across Melbourne and regional Victoria and have always been able to get stream running when close to a population centre.

However, we know that some weddings happen in places that can be challenging - like patches of the Dandenong Ranges, or very remote regional locations.

But we have some special technology to help us deal with that, and back-up plans in place for the very rare occasions when we cannot get online.


Working with your location

To work at your location we need you to obtain the consent of your venue, church or location manager

They are usually very happy to welcome us because:

  • We are fully insured with $20 million Public Liability insurance and Workcover

  • We work cord-free with wireless microphones and cameras

  • We do not need anything from them - we have our own battery power, our own audio systems and our own internet connections

  • We are professional and easy to work with

We have a page that you can share with your venue or location to explain who we are, how we work and our insurance coverage.

Package prices apply anywhere in the Melbourne metropolitan area, including the peninsulas and Dandenong Ranges

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Travel charges apply for regional Victoria - details are here