Your streaming page
You have total control over who shares your special day
Your stream can be watched on any device
Stream to your own private webpage
Password protection to watch
Watchable in any web browser
Watch on phones, tablets, computers and some TVs
Replay available online 30 minutes after the ceremony
Replay remains online for 3 months after wedding
Post your page link and password on all your social media so everyone can join you on your private streaming page
Why we don’t stream to YouTube, Facebook or Instagram
We cannot live stream weddings on social-media platforms because:
Copyright over music does not allow it
The platform’s streaming performance is unpredictable and unreliable
The biggest problem is that Facebook, YouTube and Instagram may terminate live streams which contain copyrighted music, as most weddings do. Their computer algorithms work in real-time to detect and block these feeds. It can happen without notice, even because of music which is barely audible in the background.
This is not an issue for our live streaming, as we hold licences to broadcast the music associated with weddings on a private, password-protected page.
Meanwhile, the live-streaming performance standards on social-media are not guaranteed and can be extremely variable. The resolution of the video can be downgraded by the platform to suit its bandwidth needs, leading to a very disappointing result. Or they can change their systems without notice, so the stream will not work.
We use world-leading commercial streaming platforms, with guaranteed performance standards.
Live-streaming to social platforms creates the risk that your wedding will not be seen at all - and that is a risk that we will not take!